Most baby apps focus either on tracking feeds and naps OR monitoring development milestones. It can be difficult to understand insights and even trickier to share these with other caregivers.
At Onoco, we believe that everything should be at hand in one app – and one that’s smart, simple, safe and easy to share.
Why? Because parenting is already hard enough.
Babies don’t come with a handbook
They are unique individuals with their own needs, behaviors and personalities, often leaving us with more questions than answers. However, something we do know is that their needs change as they grow - and you need the tools to be able to grow with them.
During the first few weeks, you’re getting to know your little one and gaining a deeper understanding of their unique habits and behaviours, and that’s why Onoco allows you to track everything that matters to you and your family. This might be naps, nappies, bottle feeds, breastfeeding, medicine and growth or even your own custom logs for activities such as tummy time, bath time and story time. Choose your view thanks to a customisable menu and you have everything your family needs at the touch of a button.
Not only will you gain peace of mind from Onoco’s weekly analysis and insights, you’ll also have the information you need should you want to share it with your midwife, health visitor or other healthcare professionals.
When the time comes for you to share the care of your little ones – a trusted family member, friend or childcare professional – you’ll want to know that your child is experiencing a familiar routine and that you can continue to access their unique insights to ensure recommended growth, feeding and sleeping goals are being met.
Onoco allows you to share information, receive updates and enjoy peace of mind.

Access science-based education
We strive to bridge the gap between scientific research and everyday parenting, empowering parents even further on their journey - no matter what it looks like.
Designed to empower parents with expert knowledge, our hub covers essential topics such as baby sleep, baby and toddler nutrition, and postpartum health etc


Your baby’s schedule - on your terms
Ready to implement a daily schedule?
Put down the pen and paper because, with Onoco, you no longer have to write everything down; instead, our daily schedule provides a one look snapshot of your routine - whether that’s tummy time, bath time, meals or play dates. You can also add 'Events' in your 'Plan',so you can display activities alongside your baby’s normal daily routine, such as medication to be taken, doctor’s appointments and healthcare visits.
By using Onoco you can create your own routine based on your own criteria. Whatever fits for your family – and whoever you choose to share it with
Monitor the milestones that matter
Ensuring that your child's development is on track is one of the most important things a parent worries about.
However, most apps available to help with this tracking will explore milestones only for the first year of your baby’s life. By using the same Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework as nurseries, pre-schools and registered childminders in the United Kingdom, Onoco tracks your baby’s development from birth to 5 years.
7 Development Areas
17 Aspects of Learning
460 Milestones

Share beautiful
They say it takes a village to raise a child. We truly hope that you are getting the support you need and deserve to help raise your baby.
If so, we’re sure that all of those people would like to receive updates on your little one's progress and to see those special moments that you capture with your camera, without having to share them with the world on social media.
Imagine, your first day back at work after parental leave, and receiving a picture of your baby, smiling away at the camera.
brain-building tips
Help your little one to achieve milestones by following advice from professional sources and trusted experts.
The tips on our app are tailored to your child's age and grouped by developmental areas and aspects of learning.
470+ 'How can you help?' tips

Must-have app when you
hire a nanny
Trusting someone to look after your child is a big step - but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Onoco creates a digital connection between you and your child’s carer, meaning:
- Your child is safe
With Emergency Protocol - a page where you can share information about allergies, medications, important contacts and illness/accident management instructions - you can be sure your child is in the best possible hands
- You are always in the know
Receive real-time updates about the things that matter to you; nap times, meals, medication, nappy changes,daily activities, and photos with our safe and secure timeline.
- You’re working together for your child’s development
Onoco gives your nanny or childminder will access to the 'Learning Journey' tab – featuring over 460 milestones based on the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
Additionally, your nanny or childminder has access to your family calendar, where you can plan your child’s care together.
Trust and transparency make a perfect foundation for any working or family relationship. Let Onoco help you with both.

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