Supporting Parents in the Digital Age
Enhancing Your Employee Benefit Package

Go beyond the standard maternity and paternity cover
Parental leave is a recognised and required benefit across all workplaces, but what happens when parents return to work and are required to balance their new personal role with their professional one?
Onoco offers a suite of tools for parents with children aged 0-5, designed to help them feel confident and supported during their early parenting journey so they can better achieve that sometimes elusive work life balance.
Offering Onoco as a workplace benefit helps companies to go beyond standard maternity and paternity packages and instead provide employees with the right tools for the duration of their early parenting journey.
Flexible work is the future
Onoco provides access to a routine manager and shared schedule for parents, allowing them to see their commitments alongside their child’s routine.
+ Parents can quickly identify weekly schedule and communicate with teams for availability and workload.
+ Parents have more control over their day and reduced mental load thanks to routine and scheduling.
+ Workplaces help support work-life balance during an otherwise stressful period for happier and healthier employees.

Reduce back to work anxiety
Nannies or childminders can quickly be added to a family’s profile and have access to the same information as parents, easing the transition of care for parents and reducing anxieties around routines and development needs being met.
+ Parents are more able to to manage the job - family conflict.
+ Workplaces know their working parents have reduced anxieties when it comes to childcare.

Provide professional guidance
With access to over 460 development milestones based on the Early Years Foundation Stage framework as used by schools and nurseries across the UK, parents know they are working with professional guidance as opposed to popular opinion, outdated practices or modern fads.
+ Parents know they're working with professional guidance.
+ Parents can identify their child's development stage so they can prepare for developmental leaps.
+ Workplace shows support for and investment in a child's long-term development.

Join industry-leading companies
Book a call with us to learn more about our offer