in your hand

Unlimited Tracking
Track sleep, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, solids, nappies/diapers, pumping, growth charts, medicine and potties.

Advanced Pattern Charts
Identify your baby’s unique habits. View the whole week of data on one screen and spot emerging patterns.

Free invites for caregivers
Unlimited access for nannies, step parents, grandparents and other family members. Control access level.

Photo sharing
Timeline posts linked to your child’s learning journey. Your family members will be able to add comments to them too.

Custom menu
Personalise your menu by adding or removing logs that you need.

Data Analysis
We provide statistics regarding all data you enter in Onoco. Find out how long your child sleeps, how much they eat etc.

Activity reminders
Feeding or pumping every 2-3hours? Enable notifications that will remind you about important events.

Track milestones
Celebrate each step with our baby milestones tracker, based on the EYFS framework.

Apple Watch application
Still track all activities while you're busy or on the go from your Apple Watch, with the 'Onoco for Watch' app.

Dark Theme
Change the look of our app based on your preferences.
Onoco Free
free and will always be free
What's included
Optimal Nap Time Predictions
AI-powered nap predictions for your baby.
Our proprietary neural network is trained on millions of naps.

Daily routine creator
Create a routine that works for your family. We will suggest an example that you can fully customise.

Knowledge Hub
A resource for the latest in baby care, with >100 articles and videos on sleep, nutrition, and behaviour.

Schedule Suggestions
Use AI to adjust your family schedule as your baby grows and drops naps and changes their behaviour.

Custom Logs
Create your logs. This can be tummy time, bath time, play time - anything you like.

Family Calendar
Plan play dates and doctor appointments. See your work schedule alongside your baby’s routine.

Advanced notifications
Schedule notifications for recurring events, appointments, nap time predictions and planned activities in your family calendar.

Learning Journey
Learn about 460 milestones that your child achieves in the first 5 years of their life and receive daily tips regarding their development.

All-inclusive Family Access
All of your baby’s caregivers will be able to access Onoco Premium features at no additional cost.

Data Export
Export your child's data into a CSV file to share with professionals and keep record.
Onoco Premium
per month
What's included
Why Onoco Premium
Put down the pen and paper
Onoco Premium digitises your child’s routine and data, making it accessible in the palm of your hand and easily shareable with other caregivers.
Add and repeat events directly in your planner; set and share your baby’s unique daily routine; and even set reminders for all caregivers to notify them of upcoming appointments and healthcare visits.
Go one step further with tracking in Onoco Premium and add your own custom logs - think tummy time, bath time and story time - in addition to naps, nappies, feedings and growth to view analysis and insights for your family’s favourite activities.
Onoco Premium is designed to go one step further in helping your on your parenting journey. Know more, enjoy more!

Tips and tools designed with your family in mind
Help your little one to achieve milestones with tips from professional sources and trusted experts.
All recommendations on Onoco are tailored to your child's age and grouped by developmental areas and aspects of learning, and with Onoco Premium you can choose to have these delivered daily for quick access and ideas.

Safe and secure
With everything that Onoco does, your peace of mind around data safety is of the utmost importance. With both Onoco Free and Onoco Premium, you are in control of what you want to track, what you want to analyse, and what you want to share. Whatever fits for your family – and whoever you choose to share it with.
Flexible to your family's needs
We have a risk free guarantee, meaning you can request a refund at any time - so if our additional features aren’t quite adding to your experience, then don’t worry! You can continue to use Onoco Free at no cost.
