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Writer's pictureMargaret Zablocka

Baby's vision development

In their first year, your child’s eyes will unlock the colors, faces, and wonders of the world in a way that’s unique to their developing senses. As you navigate these milestones with Onoco you’ll gain not just insights but also practical tools to support this critical aspect of your baby's growth. In this article:

What can my baby see?

From birth, your baby’s eyes are not fully mature, seeing primarily in black and white and shades of gray. Over time, significant developments occur that enhance their ability to see more like an adult, in full color and with better focus.

Birth to 1 month:

  • Vision is initially about 20/200 to 20/400, allowing them to focus best at 8 to 10 inches—ideal for seeing the face of the person holding them.

  • Sees in black and white and shades of gray.

  • Eyes are large compared to their body, approximately 65% of their adult size.

  • Light sensitivity is low, with gradual improvements over weeks.

2 to 3 months:

  • Begins to track moving objects with their eyes, a skill known as visual tracking.

  • Starts to recognize familiar faces, which encourages social development.

  • Early attempts at reaching for objects occur, helping to develop hand-eye coordination.

  • May start to remember visual forms, contributing to cognitive development.

  • Initially, an infant’s eyes do not coordinate well; they may cross or wander—a condition that typically resolves with time.

4 months:

  • Visual acuity sharpens, enabling them to see across longer distances.

  • Develops binocular vision, which means both eyes start working together to perceive depth, an essential skill for identifying and reaching for objects.

  • Prefers more complex visual images, which can encourage cognitive development through problem-solving and memory.

6 months:

  • Eyes should be better aligned and moving in unison.

  • Vision reaches a development stage close to that of adults, in terms of color perception.

  • Interactive games and use of mirrors can help develop visual tracking and depth perception.

  • The eye color may start to stabilize as melanin production reaches its peak. However, changes can still occur.

7 to 12 months:

  • Visual exploration is enhanced as babies begin to crawl, which helps them understand spatial relationships and improves their vision further.

  • Can judge distances more accurately, crucial as they begin to move around more independently.

  • Improved eye-hand coordination aids in more precise and deliberate grabbing of objects.

  • Continued visual and cognitive development supported by engaging with various shapes, sizes, and colors of objects.

Your baby's vision development:

baby's vision development onoco

When might baby’s eye color change?

Eye color is determined by the pigment melanin. Babies born with less melanin in their irises might have blue or grey eyes initially, which could darken as melanin production increases, typically finalizing between 6 to 12 months. Babies born with darker eyes have more melanin and may experience less dramatic changes.

Monitoring and when to seek help

Early detection of vision issues can lead to effective treatment. Consult with your pediatrician if you notice:

  • Persistent eye redness or irritation

  • Excessive tearing

  • Misalignment or uncoordinated eye movements, especially noticeable after 6 months

  • Any change in the iris or pupils, or if they appear unusual in color or size

Onoco: your support

With Onoco, track these vision milestones and manage health appointments seamlessly. Share updates with caregivers in your Onoco circle to ensure everyone involved in your child's upbringing is aligned and informed. Engage with our Knowledge Hub for expert advice and community support, making your parenting journey informed and joyful.


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